Marriage Istikhara

Marriage Istikhara
Marriage Istikhara

Marriage Istikhara

Marriage Istikhara First of all Istikhara is a special type of prayer according to the Islamic culture. Your confusion is with the number of marriage proposal you get. Maybe you are already in a strained relationship.

Marriage Istikhara

Marriage Istikhara
Marriage Istikhara

You want to get rid of it desperately. But you cannot make your decision. Well, Istikhara can help you here. Istikhara is another way of asking the supreme power for answers and confidence. Furthermore, some renowned prophets suggest that you see some signs before you do the Dua. You think this is another confusing way. You cannot decide what your signs are for Istikhara.

Well, you are so stressed with your upcoming conjugal life. The marriage proposal makes you nervous.

Furthermore, if this is an arranged marriage proposal, you think the new person is from alien territory.

Therefore, your stress is touching your subconscious mind. Well, there probably is a strong chance that you dream about the situation. According to Islamic legends, dreams are strong signal to do Istikhara.

Furthermore, you can perform Istikhara any time you feel confused and helpless in making decisions. But do not ignore dreams or some bad omen around you. Finally, you should complete your Istikhara with two Salat Prayers usually.

Istikhara for any decision-making needs some important rituals. You should do it after Wudu/ Gosol while doing it after Fajr/Asr is disallowed. There is a common misconception that Istikhara needs special preparation. However, it is just a type of prayer while you seek answers desperately.

You can do it for small decision-making in your life also. Furthermore, you can do it every day. You should continue your Istikhara for 7 days if you do not get answer instantly. Muslim legends promise that you get answer from the almighty by some strong signs. Furthermore, your instinct will lead you to them. Therefore, do not ignore signs/instinct.

So, you think you are in love? You want to seal the deal. Probably you cannot decide the right time for proposal. May be you are in the typical argument with your parents. Well, this is the right time for Istikhara. Usually the Istikhara prayers are all in Urdu.

Therefore you should clear your mind and clam your body before performing Istikhara. Do not forget to pronounce correctly. For love marriage you should perform two Rakahs at night before you go to bed. In your first Rakah you need to chant from Surah 109. The second Rakah is from Surah 112.

Marriage Istikhara

After you complete the two Rakahs you should pray the Arabic Istikhara for love marriage. You should keep him/her in mind all time while praying. The last step of this ritual is to sleep facing the Kaba. According to prophecy you will find your answer in your dreams.

Furthermore, if you do not have this dream even after performing 7 days of Istikhara you should do another Istikhara for the dream. Probably this time you get lucky and see the decision maker dream. Istikhara for arranged marriage is nearly same.

There is another popular type of Istikhara. The Istikhara is known as the prayer by name. Furthermore, prophet/Imams take you and your parents name and check if the marriage is going to successful or not. The first part of this prayer is to find the type of marriage life. You may be stressed over your late/delayed marriage.

Probably you are determined to marry one particular person. Therefore you need to try some rituals here. You should recite the prayer of marriage Istikhara for 31 days without a break. You should pray for 11 times daily with a peaceful mind. This Istikhara promises instant result. You will get married soon.

Probably you already had one bitter experience in conjugal life. But that was past. You are ready to take the second chance. But you are nervous and afraid at the same time. You have so many questions. Of course you are feeling restless. This is another situation and right time for an Istikhara. You should try Istikhara for second marriage. This type of Istikhara sometimes depends on Wazifas.

You should strictly maintain the rituals to get quick result. You need to clear your mind and you should eat new foods while taking break. Furthermore you should try the Wazifa 11 times daily. To find true love second time you can recite Quranic Wazifa also. Most noteworthy thing about the prayer is consistency.

Marriage Istikhara

Therefore, you should not lose your faith on god. You need to be patient and continue asking for the solutions. You need to try Istikhara of second marriage for at least 7 days. According to Islamic culture, you should start praying from Monday and stop praying on Sunday. Almighty will send your answers in the Sunday night’s dream. Furthermore, you can start the Istikhara on Saturday also.

Consequently you will receive your answers in the ending Friday night’s dream. Finally, answers usually come in the form of signs. In some rare case, you probably get a direct answer.Dreams can show auspicious signs like killing a snake or a water snake. Killing a snake is a confirmation of marriage while water snake means a helping hand.

Furthermore, you can see directly a marriage in your dreams. If you see this kind of dream before marriage you must try Istikhara because that means sorrow or confinement. According to Muslim culture bad dreams and nightmare are from hell.

Therefore if you are seeing nightmares often you must try Istikhara. If you are searching love for the second time and see fried fish in dreams, you will receive positive result. Fried fish in dreams represents answered prayer. Furthermore seeing blood and naked self are signs of caution.But seeing a woman removing her black dress means a new beginning.

Marriage Istikhara

Therefore, you should try Istikhara any time while seeking answers. Get rid of that common misconception that you need special attachment for that. You just need your clear mind and faith in god to do a prayer. In conclusion, you should interpret the dream correctly after Istikhara.